In 1987, with my three-year-old daughter and 16 other kids from Thazhava village, we started St. Gregorios Central School in a rented building. Since we couldn’t afford a School Bus at that time, we used to carry children to the School in Cycle Rickshaw. Since then, with the hard work and perseverance of my Team Members and the unconditional support from my family, friends and well-wishers in the society and above all with the grace of God, we were able to grow as an organization, one of the best English medium schools in the state. It gives me great pride in recognizing that within 3 decades of time, we were able to achieve this position. At this onset, I would like to thank each one of you who stood by the school in its difficult times. I express my humble gratitude to each one of you and I am eternally thankful to Almighty God who gave us the strength in our journey. I pray to God to keep my Team, my Students, my Parents and my people in the Society be safe and happy always and help us to serve society at the highest standards possible.